Events for February:
BLACK HISTORY MONTH ASSEMBLY on Friday featuring Devon Glover, Sonnet Man (who dropped in to play Improv Games with us at the meeting!)
We will need ushers and people to work intermission snacks. Please let Mrs. Marshall know if you would like to help with those or any other play related tasks! This can count for points toward induction!
WHOSE LION IS IT ANYWAY Improv Show: April 1st. Improv Game Auditions happened after this meeting and will happen again after the March meeting. So, if you want to be a part of the improv team, audition and let us see you in ACTion.
If you are going to FLORIDA THESPIAN STATE FESTIVAL, get those January and February payments in please!
Next month’s meeting will be on TUESDAY, MARCH 4th. Mrs. Marshall has to take a Medications Training before the overnight field trip for State on Wednesday, March 5th.
And our eternal QUEEN AUDRA is here to send you off in to February and Black History Month with this message…